Monday, January 16, 2012

On the right track...

I meant to post sooner. I really did. But I'm having major writer's block right now.

First of all, I guess I should update you on my progress with losing weight. I am down SEVEN POUNDS since last week!!!! WOO-HOOOO!!!!! You have no idea how encouraging it was to step on the scale and see that. So what did I do to celebrate? I hopped on the treadmill and put in 2 1/2 miles. I'm feeling pretty good about this. Now, if I can keep losing that much every week, I'll reach my goal in no time at all! My problem is when I get bored or upset about something, I eat. I just need to find something to occupy my mind so it will stay off of food.

I'm really contemplating writing a book. It's something I've really wanted to do for a few years now. I love to write (if you would've told me this back in my high school and college years, I would've laughed in your face). I'm debating right now as to the genre. I have a few ideas though. We'll see.

Right now I'm trying to build a website for my photography business (any suggestions?). I've been searching for a website builder that's cheap but has all the features I'm looking for. So far, I've found I think I'm going to try their 30 day trial and see how I like it. If you haven't already, go "like" my photography page on Facebook...oh, and friend me too while you're there (for those of you who I don't know already). Just make sure when you send the friend request that you put a little message that you're a blog reader so I'll be sure to accept the request.

So, along the lines of my photography business....I did a photoshoot Friday before last. I took the memory card out of my camera and went to put it in my laptop so I could get started on edits and what did I do??? I stuck it in the CD ROM drive instead. Genius. Yep, it's still in there. I need to get Eric to dismantle it (he's the computer whiz), but he hasn't been home most of the week (well, he gets in really late at night). He's been working on his car, which decided to break down on him a month or so back.

Well, that's all I got for today. Feeling a little sick still, so i'm pretty exhausted. I'm hoping Elijah will decide to lay down for a nap soon so mommy can too :)

Have a great day!

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