Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day

So, I don't know about you, but my Valentine's Day was awesome..Yes, I still get excited about this cheesy commercialized holiday.

We had a babysitter for the night. I got all fancied up (high heels and everything). Eric got home around 6:30. He walked in with his hands behind his back (although it really is hard to hide a bouquet of flowers behind your back). And he goes "I guess you were kind of expecting this." It still made me smile and I was so happy to get them. They were purple roses.

 Then he goes "Oh, wait. I forgot something else in the car." I was not expecting anything else so it kind of surprised me. He walked out to the car and came back with another gift (complete with Target bag wrapping and all). I opened the bag and it was a new can opener. Ok, this might not sound like much to you, but you have to understand how bad I've been needing a new can opener. I had one of those that you just set on top of the can and press the button and it opens the can, but it stopped working. So one night, I just ran down to the dollar store and got another cheap can opener. You cannot even begin to understand how much I despised this thing. It worked when it wanted to work. I mean the motor ran and everything but it would not cut into the can. It would take me 6 or 7 minutes just to get a can open. So anyway, this one is a dream come true. Stainless steel and has a bottle opener and knife sharpener on it (don't know how much either of those options will be used though).

Then he said again "Oh wait, there's something else in the car." This I DEFINITELY was not expecting. He came back with something else that he again, not-so-successfully hid behind his back. It was a Keurig coffee maker!!! I was so excited. He got some major points with me on this one :) I have used this thing every day since I got it! And I finally have energy to do stuff around the house. Before now, I've just gone without a coffee maker. For a few reasons really.
  1. I'm the only one in the house who drinks coffee
  2. It's way to much hassle for me to make a whole pot of coffee for just me
  3. It's really wasteful since I only drink one cup anyway
Now, I can brew a cup and it only take about 15 seconds. I can change up my flavors everyday. I don't waste any coffee. You can adjust the temperature on it, so it gets it exactly the right temperature for me. And you can pick your cup size! I swear, whoever invented this thing is a genius! (I'm starting to think they should pay me for this mini advertisement I just did. Feel free to contact me if you happen to work for Keurig.)

Ok, then we had a slight misuderstanding. Eric said we were having dinner so I assumed we were going out, and he assumed I was making something. We compromised and ordered in and watched a Netflix movie. It was really nice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Greatest Show On Earth

Whoah! I've got some serious catching up to do. These past two to three weeks have been really busy around the Sorenson household. To spare you from having to read a blog entry a mile long (because let's face it, I know we all have things we need to be doing apart from sitting in front of a computer for hours on end) I'm going to break up the events into a few posts of the next couple of day. Plus that gives me a reason to post every day.

So, February 3rd, I took Elijah to see his first circus (thanks to my awesome sister for getting us tickets). He had a blast. We were only 8 rows up from the ring so we had excellent seats.

It was cold outside so I put my jacket on Elijah while we were waiting for the doors to open. I thought he looked so cute with it on!

This was taken the day before the circus when we went to the box office to get our tickets.

Elijah got a snowcone in an elephant bowl. It's so cute!

When the elephants came into the ring, Elijah held up his elephant bowl. He was so excited.

The show this year was called "Dragons" so they had these little cars they would drive around the ring that looked like dragons (or as Elijah calls them, dinosaurs).

The elephants entering the ring. Isn't the little baby one soooo cute? I want it!

When we went to my mom's house after the circus, Elijah decided he wanted to be the Ringmaster and out on his own circus. So he put on his top hat from the circus, got out his toy elephant and put on an awesome show with the help of his lovely assistants, Mommy and Nanny!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another Doctor Visit

What a week...and it's only Wednesday!

Elijah woke up Monday morning with a runny nose and a cough. No big deal.

Then the cough got progressively worse. As of last night, he was sounding pretty nasty everytime he would cough. I ran the humidifier and gave him some Children's Nighttime Triaminic.

This morning, the same thing. Only when he would cough, he couldn't stop. He would have a 5 minute coughing spell then stop for about a minute (or less) and then start right back again. Sometimes he sounded like he was choking. (Did I mention he was up at 6:30 this morning?)

Then my dad called about 11 this morning and asked if we wanted to go to lunch with him. So we got dressed and hopped in the car and met my dad at the restaurant. As we were eating, Elijah just laid his head in my lap and wouldn't eat. By this point he felt like he was running a fever and his eyes were red all the way around them. My dad said, "He really doesn't look like he feels well. You need to take him to the doctor." If you know my dad, he never goes to the doctor. So when my dad said it, it confirmed that I should take Elijah. Being the same day I needed an appointment, I knew we would never get in at the family doctor, so I took him down to the Minute Clinic at CVS.

When we got there, there weren't any seats left but this sweet teenage boy stood up and said for us to take his seat (true hospitality!). We were the 3rd on the waiting list. But that same teenage boy, who was the next to be seen let all 3 people go in front of him. I couldn't believe it. The doctor and I were talking about how sweet he was and that his parent's definitely raised him right (you don't see that too often anymore). So anyway, the doctor looked at Elijah. Right away she noticed he has a double ear infection and said that his ears were neon red. She said they looked really bad. This makes his 10th ear infection he's had since he was born. She also said his throat was red and he possibly has strep throat but she wasn't going to test him because she was already going to put him on an antibiotic for his ears. And then we got more bad news. She pulled out the stethescope and listened to his chest then looks at me and goes "Did you know he has a heart murmur?" I told her that our family doctor said something briefly about a funny noise his heart was making when we followed up with her about his case of the croup a few weeks back. But she never specifically mentioned a murmur. She recommended we went to see our regular doctor ASAP. Probably Friday so his antiobiotics have a chance to kick in and they can check up on them when we're there as well.

Has anyone out there in blogland had a child with a heart murmur? This scares me. I need some advice. He already has quite a medical history in his (almost) 3 years on earth. Now just one more thing to add to it. :(

Hopefully this medicine will kick in soon and my wild and rambuctious little boy will be back on his feet.