Monday, July 23, 2012

The Big News

Hey's been a while. I've been having some blogging withdrawals and decided it was about time for another post. Plus, I've got some exciting news to share, so I pretty much had to write a new blog post.

 How about I just let Elijah share the big news?

`That's right! Elijah is going to be a big brother...we have another baby on the way!!! YAY!! We are so excited!

Yesterday was my turn to run the video slides for both of the services at church but I wasn't feeling well at all. I ended up leaving after the first service. I came home and decided to take a test since my period hadn't started yet. Within seconds, there were the two lines I have been waiting 13 months to see! I was soooo excited. So I went ahead and took the second test that was in the box just to make sure; 2 lines on that one right away too!

When Eric got home from church, I had Elijah pull the test stick out of his pocket and give it to Eric and say "surprise!" It was really cute and I got it on video. Debating on if I should post it or not. My dad came over a little later so Eric could change the brakes on his car. My dad and Elijah were playing around and my dad kept stuffing the basketball under Elijah's shirt and then he asked Elijah if he was having a baby. It seemed like the perfect time for me to speak up so I said "He's not, but I am!" My dad's face was priceless. He was completely shocked and he said "No, you're not!?!?!" And I nodded yes and he just looked so happy. I wish I had gotten that one on video but it just kind of happened. Then last night we ran out and got Elijah the shirt (in the picture) that says Big Brother and we were off to Eric's parent's house. His dad didn't notice it but then when his mom came in the room she was playing with Elijah and she told him she liked his boots (he had rainboots on and was totally unmatching) and so I piped up and said "Do you like his shirt too?" She was excited too. Then after that we went to my mom's and stepdad's. I carried Elijah in so my mom wouldn't see his shirt before I could start recording. She went in the other room to get something and didn't even notice his shirt so we were just sitting on the couch waiting on her to come back and from the other room she starts going "Soooooo....." and I was like "Sooooo....." and then she repeated herself again and then Eric looks at me and goes "She knows." I was like "She can't know, she didn't even see Elijah's shirt." Then she said "Do you have some news for me?" and I was like "Yeah, how did you know?" And she goes, "Well, all three of you don't usually come over here together so I figured something was up." She caught us!

So by my estimations, I'm somewhere around 5 weeks 3 days along. The baby is due around March 24th, which I find ironic because Elijah's birthday is April 24th. But my calculations could be off too so I'm gonna wait until I see the doctor before I get those cute little pregnancy tickers people have on their blogs and on facebook that way mine is actually accurate.

FYI: I am seriously gonna try to keep up with this blog from now on so I have a record of my pregnancy events and life events. But be prepared for a lot of pregnancy stuff over the nexr few months because I am SUPER excited about this!!! We've been trying for 13 months so I've been waiting on this for a long time! The doctor was just about to put me on fertility medicine too. Crazy how God works isn't it?

As always, prayers are much appreciated!
Lots of love,


  1. Seriously so happy, not only for the baby but because you started blogging again :-) Also, that was a really cute way to tell Eric

  2. Thanks, Steph! Now, I promise to keep up with it. I got to post all these updates somewhere and they just won't all fit in to a facebook status ;-)
