Yesterday was Elijah's very first day of school. Yep....I was
THAT parent; you know, the one that parks and walks him to his class, while most of the other parents (with kids in older grades or older kids that have already been through this before) pull through the car line and drop their kid off. Nope, I was that Mom that holds their baby's hand as they walk down the hall. Who snaps a couple pictures of their kid outside in the hallway and then a few more with their teacher and at their desk. I was that parent that makes sure their kid's book bag and lunch box are nice and neat in their cubby and that they have all their school supplies ready. I was that parent who gave their baby...excuse me, big boy a goodbye hug and kiss only to watch them scamper off to rug time to watch an episode of Mickey Mouse with the other kids before class starts. I was that Mom who lingered in the doorway just a little too long in the doorway because she just wasn't ready to say goodbye yet, even if she would see him in a few short hours. I'm pretty sure his teacher sensed I was that kind of mom, because as I slowly walked out of the classroom fighting back tears, she leaned out the door and said "He'll be fine. I know it's hard. I said a prayer for y'all this morning." Those few words that his teacher spoke, put my mind at ease and let me know just how great of a teacher he has...but it also turned me back into
THAT mom again, because the tears instantly started flowing. And when they started, they couldn't stop. I was the mom walking down the hall and out to the car having an emotional breakdown as all the parents just stared at me and the teachers looked on with pity. They've seen it before every year, i'm sure.
I made sure to be in the car line by two so I wouldn't miss a minute with my boy. He got in the car, I asked him how it went and he said "Good."...he wouldn't elaborate. "Well, did you make any friends?" "Mom, I don't want to talk about it." And that was that. He hasn't said much the past two days. It'll take some getting used to. I did much better when I dropped him off today.
For those of you that follow my regular Elijah quotes on FB, here's a few cute ones from his first day:
- I went to wake him up yesterday morning. I said "Good morning,
buddy. Time to get up and get ready for school." He said "Ohhhh, thanks
- When he walked into the living room, only to discover it
was still dark outside, "Mom, it's not even morning yet! It's still
night time!"
- As we were getting out of the car to walk into
school, he said "Mom, will you just sit in the car all day and cry and
wait for me?"
- I asked him if there were any pretty girls in his class, he told me there was one and she had a flower dress on.
- He
told me he got to move up two spaces on the behavior chart in his
class. I asked him what he did to move up so high, he said "I don't
know, I just talked when the teacher asked me something." I said "Well,
what did you talk about?" He said "I don't know...not Jesus." I said,
"Yeah, I know buddy. You're not allowed to talk about Jesus in school."
He said "Well, why not??" I told him that was a very good question, but
one I didn't have an answer for.
- This morning when I woke him up, he said "No thanks, Mom. I'm still sleeping."
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