Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the past two days, my page views have jumped up tremendously! This excites me. I have people viewing from Germany, Australia, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, Malaysia, and of course, the US. WOW! Really? I had no idea what I wrote people would be so interested to read. But, I think it has to do more with the fact that my dear friend, Hannah Norris aka Sadie Mae's Mommy follows me (actually she's my only follower right now lol). There have been a tremendous amount of people linking over from her page. So, thank you, Hannah! And thank you to those who are reading and giving this stay-at-home mommy a chance to blog about her crazy life once in a while. I'll try not to disappoint.

Could you maybe start following my blog? Don't leave Miss Hannah all alone ;-)


  1. Yay! Go April! I can't wait for you to blog about your grocery trip today! ;O)

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, Hannah! That is exactly what today's post will be about...and a few other things too ;O)
