Friday, June 3, 2011

Highlights of the week so far

Ok, since I've missed a couple days, I'm going to fill you in on the highlights of the week so far. I'm sure their are still many more adventures to happen before the weekend comes to an end.

Tuesday my cousin's little boy Isaiah came over and played with Elijah

This is a remote control manual...

This is Elijah thinking that the remote control manual is a telephone

He had a pretty good conversation with whoever was on the other end

Wednesday was also my Mom's birthday. Elijah danced with her.

Aren't they so cute?

When we came home Wedneday, Elijah found a fish in the pond.
The only problem was, It was a goner.
For some reason I can't get this pic to rotate. But yesterday Elijah expressed interest in using the potty for the first time so I sat him down on it. He wanted some toilet paper so I gave him some. Well....he decided to build a nest with it in the toilet. The joys of potty training *sigh*

I went in the bathroom to get ready today, when I came out, Elijah was asleep like this on my bed.

So as you can see, it's been an interesting week so far. Can't wait to see what's in store for the weekend!

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