Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We Hit A Milestone!

Yesterday, we hit a milestone with Elijah...he used his big boy potty for the first time! I'm so proud! I honestly wasn't even expecting him to go. I'm just trying to get him used to the idea. So he was sitting there and the next thing I know, the potty started singing the potty song(it's one of those ones that has sensors when the child goes potty). I called my sister and she was so excited she said she's taking him out for ice cream tomorrow and getting him a new toy. Yeah, she spoils him!

On the subject of my sister, I have to share what she said yesterday. For those of you who don't know her, she's absolutely hilarious! Never a dull moment around her. Anyway, I called her and she didn't answer but about 5 minutes later she called me back. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was on her way to the gym after work but she was stopped at a gas station so she could get a candy bar first. Hahaha only Amber.

So, Eric's work has a box suite at the Bilo Center and when a concert or event comes to town, they let their employees put their names into a raffle to get tickets in the suite. I knew that Josh Groban was coming, so I told Eric to enter the raffle. Well, they drew names last week and we won a pair of tickets. I was so excited! Friday (I think) Eric asked me if I had seen the tickets. I told him no, I didn't even know he brought them home yet. He was like "Well, maybe I left them in my pants pocket." Great...good place for them. My first thought was "OH NO!!! I just watched a load of pants earlier that day." So I ran to the hamper and frantically started searching through all of his pockets. Nothing. Next, the dreaded walk to the washer and dryer. Opened the dryer, and there they were...in two pieces and stuck together. My heart sunk.

I emailed the box office and the man wrote me back and said he would have them reprinted and I could pick them up at will call. Things are looking up, right? WRONG...Then I found out last night that Josh came down with food poisoning and the concert has been canceled. Nooooooo!!!!!!! I really needed this night out. Elijah has had the case of the terrible two's for a few days now. Just one night out would have been nice. Oh well. As Eric reminded me, to quote the Beatles..."oh bla di, oh bla da life goes on...la la la la life goes on."

Well, that's all I got for now. Maybe more later. I'm exhausted. Elijah's been on a no sleep kick for two days now. Which means I am too :)

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