Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Messy Smurf

Just a fair warning to all you parents out there in Blog Land....do NOT buy your child(ren) the colored bubbles from Crayola.

It will turn your kid into a Smurf.

Don't believe me?

I've got proof.....

First it starts at the mouth

Then it spreads to the arms...

And then to the hands...
Until finally, your normal looking child, has completely transformed into a full-blown Smurf.

Buyer Beware!!!
 *Disclaimer: My child was not harmed in the making of this blog post, nor did he turn COMPLETELY blue, just partially. A good bath, heavy on the soap, and he cleaned up just nicely. Me on the other hand, it will NOT come off of me. I am still blue and spotty no matter how hard I scrub. Could be the Smurfitis kicking in..."La la la la la la, sing a happy song!"

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