Friday, June 17, 2011

Prayer Request

Hey Everyone! I've been slacking on my posts the past few days. I apologize. Hopefully I'll have something soon. The past few nights Elijah has been having troubles with his night terrors again, so he has been sleeping two hours a night tops; which means, so have I. I've been to exhausted to concentrate on writing a post. But I promise, I'll have something soon.

Anyway, the reason for this quick post today is to ask for your prayers. Eric is a candidate for a higher position at his work. The CEO may be making his decision today, so I just ask that you lift us up in prayer. This promotion would be a HUGE help for us financially. There are 3 other people who are also candidates for the position, but Eric has gotten great recommendations from a lot of the directors there, so this would be awesome!

Also, if you could just pray for this whole night terror thing with Elijah. Running on no sleep is really wearing all of us down. Thank you guys! You are awesome!

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