Saturday, June 11, 2011

That boy's a running fool!

Last night Elijah was so hyper. So Eric and I thought we would just let him run all of his energy out. After about 10 minutes or so of him going non-stop, I turned to Eric and said, "This reminds me of Forrest Gump."

You know the part where Forrest goes to college to play football. The stadium is packed. The ball gets thrown to Forrest and they tell him to run. He takes off running across the field and doesn't stop. The players from the other team are all diving after him, but he just dodges them and keeps on going. Then you see the coach on the sideline and he turns to someone and says, "That boy's a running fool!" Yeah, that's Elijah. He has one speed, and that's running.

Here's a clip from Forrest Gump. It's not the one I mentioned above, but it pretty sums up the energy Elijah has lately.
"From that day on whenever I wanted to go somewhere...I was running!"

This is the video of Elijah. Please excuse the huge mess of toys scattered all over the floor. It comes with having children lol.

*Note, I had another post ready for today. It was really long and took me FOREVER to type out. When I clicked post, it disappeared and I couldn't get it back. So I'll be posting it as soon as I have time to write that out again. Thanks for sticking with me :)


  1. I didn't watch the whole thing last night, because I couldn't get it all to load. I came back today, though, and watched it. I love how Eric is playing farmville at the end! ha ha
