Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Movin' On Up

Sorry to keep you hanging as long as I did.....Eric got the promotion!!!! YAY! We are super excited We still don't know all the details yet (pay increase, job description, etc.) but we are so thankful! I'll keep you updated on things as they progress.

Well, today's the first day of summer. But with the way the heat has been all spring, I feel like summer started a long time ago. My sister and I are taking Elijah to the waterpark tomorrow. It will be a much-needed time of fun and relaxation. I'll be sure to take lots of pics to post. I'm wondering how Elijah will react, because he's kind of funny about water. He loves to take a bath (most of the time), he likes to play in the sprinkler, he likes to play in the big pool as long as you hold him, but he doesn't like kiddie pools. In fact, he actually starts freaking out if you try to put him in one. So I'm not sure how he'll feel about a whole park full of water.

I think this summer heat has been draining me. I've been so tired lately. I don't know if I should blame it on the heat or a certain little 2 year old who likes to wake up at all hours of the night. We've been up since 3:30 this morning, and believe me, I wasn't happy about it. Regardless, I'm so tired, I've been slightly absent-minded.

I sell Premier Jewelry (If you want to know more about it, let me know), and I was thinking my first show was this Friday. It totally slipped my mind that I have one tonight until last night around 6 o'clock. I can't believe I forgot! I have it marked on my calendar and it's on Facebook because my hostess posted an event invitation for it (that's actually how I realized it was tonight). So, needless to say, I went into panic mode last night and started trying to get a million things ready for the show. I still have a million things left to do, so I better get off of here. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Oh, and thank you to all of you who stopped and said a prayer for us the other day! You are awesome!

I'm going to leave you with a little song in honor of Eric's promotion....also, it may give you a good laugh too. Enjoy!

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