Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Are Your Priorities?

Good morning, friends! I know I promised Part 2 of yesterday's post today...it's coming soon...I promise. Just a quick post to tell you I had a long-time prayer answered last night.

This may sound stupid to you, but it really means a lot to me...my husband quit playing Farmville yesterday. You know, the game that has pretty much taken over Facebook? Well, I felt it was pretty much taking over our family time. My husband would disagree with me on that, but I have to say, Elijah and I were feeling pretty neglected as of lately. I used to play but I gave it up in December. I realized it was taking away from my time with Elijah. Those are precious moments I will never get back.

There are so many things out there that can consume our time with our families. This one was taking over at our household. I've been to the point where I've felt like just breaking down in tears. One of my primary love languages is Quality Time. If you don't know what a love language is, I highly recommend you read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. You can also go here to take the test and find out what your love language is. Anyway, that's one of my primary love languages...so without the quality time, I've pretty much felt unloved. Don't get me wrong, I know my husband loves me, but sometimes you just want to know that someone cares enough to stop what they're doing and ask what they can do to show you they love you. My other primary love language is physical touch. That's another story for another day ;-)

Whether you realize it or not, everyone feels loved in a different way. I suggest you take a few minutes out of your busy day and find out what your spouse's, children's, best friend's, etc. love languages are. When you figure them out, try to show that person love in their own special way. Show them, they are a priority to you. You'd really be surprised at the turn around you may see in how they act toward you. It's amazing really!

My husband's work banned games from the internet, so he wasn't going to be able to keep up with it...which would mean more time at home spent on Farmville....it was going to be too much to keep up with.  I know he's going to miss it, but we have really missed him. Here's to hoping things start looking better for us and Farmville is gone for good ;-)

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to get off of here and play with my son. :)

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