Monday, June 13, 2011


I think we've all been guilty of stereotyping at one point or another in our lives, even if we don't realize it. Ladies, you know when your husband does something stupid or says something that annoys you and you roll your eyes and mumble under your breath, "Men...". You're stereotyping your husband. I've bene guilty of it too. I automatically assume that just because my husband says something stupid, that it's typical of every man to say the EXACT same thing. And Men, when you get the credit card bill at the end of the month and you discover that your wife has gone on a shopping spree in addition to the enormous phone bill she racked up that month. What do you do? Think "Typical woman....I'm going to have to surgically remove that phone from her ear and credit card from her hand." Not everyone is like that though. I can tell you for one, I hate talking on the phone and I hate shopping too. Call me crazy. But whether you realize it or not, we stereotype on a daily basis. Sometimes they're innocent enough and meant in a joking manner (like the examples mentioned above), but sometimes stereotypes can really hurt someone.

A few days ago, one of my best friends posted a status update on Facebook. She said "I miss South Carolina"(She's from Illinois). She had a couple people respond. The first one called her a "hick". The second person said, "some quick south carolina facts: has the most mobile homes of any state.
is ranked 9th for persons in poverty.4th highest in traffic fatalities.1st in violent crimes."

I don't know why, but this really bothered me. Maybe I shouldn't have taken it so personally, but let me tell you why I did. I grew up in South Carolina. I've been here for all 25 years of my life. I love it! I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Sure, I love to travel! I've seen about half of the 50 states; each has their own great qualities. But South Carolina is just...home. I can't explain it really. It's the type of place where people take the time to get to know their neighbors. When you need a helping hand, there is always someone ready to help you out. Like Mayberry...only a little more modernized ;)

So, when these people said that, I naturally took offense. For one, I'm not so sure they've even been to South Carolina. If they had, they would see we were a lot more than those statistics they must have googled to give their comment a little more pizzaz.

1) Not everyone is a hick. You think South Carolina, and you automatically assume we sit on our front porches, rifle in hand, waiting on the next possum to walk by so we can have supper that night.

This is not my family; though they are entertaining, not my family.

This is my family. I think we look pretty normal. In fact, we're so well-traveled, we're in Texas in this pic :)

As far as South Carolina having the most mobile homes of any state....what's wrong with mobile homes? I lived in one for the first 20 years of my life. That's where I grew up. Where I called home. I have many great memories there. Just because you live in a mobile home, doesn't mean you're trashy. There are some really nice mobile homes, actually. Some I bet you wouldn't even know were mobile homes.

Surprising, huh? As far as ranking 9th for our poverty level...I can tell you right now, my bank account might not be flowing over, but I'm happy. I am blessed to stay at home with my little boy. Yes, we've made sacrifices, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I don't need a checking account with 6 or 7 figures to be happy. I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable. True happiness does not come from material things. It's not from things of this world. You can't take them with you when you go. My happiness comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So if that's what it takes to be truly happy, I'd take 9th in poverty level any day.

Stereotypes are just an assumption from people who don't have real knowledge on the facts. It's either they don't take the time to really find out for themselves or they are just being ignorant. Do me a favor, next time you catch yourself stereotyping, stop and take a second and rethink what you just thought. Put yourself in that person's or group's situation. You might just find yourself getting to know someone better and make a new friend or two that you normally would've thought yourself superior to.

*Stereotypes part 2 is coming tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love SC too! You can go to the beach, or mountains all in a day trip! It's beautiful here!
